Print and online media are gobbling up Prince Harry's social crisis of nude photos of him sharing his hotel suite with a bunch of friends including some stark-naked women. Buy Real Marketing, in an exclusive statement to clients, reiterates the dangers of ruining their personal and/or business brands due to careless sharing or simply not taking precautions on their social media activities and policies.
Sparking tweets of Prince Harry's nude photos, jokes and sympathies for the royal have overflowed Buy Real Marketing's crisis pickup boards, prompting the company to alert clients who have been purchasing the com fashion coats pany's Twitter, YouTube and other services for the purpose of initializing and maintaining popularity.
The company has been an advocate of healthy professionalism in the age of social media when freedom of speech, whether one likes it or not, has reached full circle. According to Buy Real Marketing, social sharing roused platforms where every individual opinion can be aired in the web and all the laundry, dirty or clean, can be exposed.
Inasmuch as publicity goes, the firm places heavy importance on the beneficial kind and aims to provide these to individuals and businesses through its services at However, since roadblocks cannot be avoided in the journey to fame or established branding, measures of prevention and crisis management should be in place.
A quick Google image search of Prince Harry returns unclad photos posted on the biggest American gossip website as well as tabloid headlines of those photos, eclipsing the more "wholesome" shots of him gallant and clothed. Buy Real Marketing stresses to its clients that their story need not be like that.
Social media crisis management, including relevant marketing guidance for enterprises and individuals looking to promote their products and services are available for everybody at the company's official blog.
Buy Real Marketing is well-established internet marketing firm founded in 2010 by Jean-Patrick Bisson, Diana Quartin and Jonathan Kennedy. The company specializes in driving search marketing and social media traffic, social web app development and conversion optimization. Each product or service specifically helps small/medium website owners increase online visibility and improve online sales.
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